
Monday, July 16, 2012

Grunge Clothes

The greating about grunge clothes is you don’t have to go to expensive shops to achieve the early nineties mystique. Flanels, dock martins, torn jeans and band t-shirts is all you need to achieve the grunge look. You can go to clothing donation centers, flea markets or dig out your own clothes you wore back in the day. Key chain wallets were popular back in the day and for a genuine early nineties look be sure to tie your jacket around your west.

Grunge clothes became popular with the popularity of alternative music of the early nineties. Bands like Bush, Nirvana and Pearl Jam gave rise to the alternative scene and the city of Seattle was the mecca of alternative music. Rock music of the early nineties took a far departure from the hair metal scene of the eighties. Alternative music placed more emphasis on music rather than the androgynous fashions of the eighties. There was less emphasis on looking prim and proper to rock out, but these anti-fashions became fashions within themselves.

Grunge clothes was also a way for kids to make a rebellious statement against their parents and society by wearing clothing the rest of society considered garbage. Grunge clothes expresses the vintage style to the letter, digging out old tattered clothing and tailoring it to your own individual style. Young kids at that time did not feel the need to follow trends, but rather help set up a movement bigger than themselves that made a statement about their place in society and expressing their interests and style.

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