
Friday, July 13, 2012

Sixties Hair

Sixties hair, and the rest of modern hairstyles in general have undergone changes in the modern age since there have been no monarchs and kings to pattern hairstyles and dress after. Nowadays, celebrities and the wives of politicians set the fashion trends. Jackie Kennedy was one such person that many women patterned their hair and style of dress after. Sixties hair was a bit more diverse when it came to hairdos since it very much depended on the type of woman. Women of the hippie movement let their hair hang loose, often at both ends and usually uncut. Sixties hair can best be described as a movement for a lush mane of hair to craft into all kinds of elaborate styles.

One such style is the bouffant hairdo which made the hair plush and thick like a lion’s mane to be tailored according to the woman’s desire. Such a grandiose style of hairdo not only complemented the woman’s facial structure, made her body look slimmer as well. Sixties hair also came in long and short fashions.

Lush curls and even straight hair became styled. Bangs were popular during this time period. Both long and short hair was in style during the sixties. There was no all-naturale look for the hair of many women during this time period since everything was either pressed or curled. Models such as Twiggy sported the short hairdo and Mia Farrow also made the short hairdo famous.

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